Published by Kirusa Inc. on 2023-08-01
What is InstaVoice? InstaVoice is an app that provides free and unlimited visual voicemail and missed call alerts. It allows users to manage their calls with ease, even when they are busy, out of coverage area, or switched off. The app has a user-friendly interface and is ideal for people who travel frequently or have multiple SIMs/numbers.
1. With InstaVoice app, you can manage Visual Voicemail and Missed calls from all your Multiple SIMs / Numbers on a single app.
2. InstaVoice provides Free and Unlimited Visual Voicemail and Missed Call Alerts all in one app to connect you with your friends even when you are busy, out of coverage area or switched off in a very easy and simple user-friendly interface.
3. Give InstaVoice the freedom to become your personal secretary and manage your Voicemail and Missed calls with alacrity.
4. It makes it extremely easy to manage your calls with Voicemail and Missed calls.
5. - Access your Voicemail and Missed Calls on multiple devices.
6. It's a must have for people who travel a lot, and miss important calls as they are unable to manage Multiple SIMs / Numbers.
7. - Massive inbox to store unlimited voicemails and missed calls.
8. With Over 100 BILLION managed calls, InstaVoice connects you with your callers even when you're not around.
9. Not only will you have nonstop connectivity with your callers but you'll also be providing them with a unique calling experience with personalised voicemail greetings.
10. • Call when forwarded to your voicemail services might incur charges as per your operator tariff.
11. You can take your mind off your calls and get back to your callers when it's convenient.
12. Liked InstaVoice? here are 5 Productivity apps like Inkflow Visual Notebook; VisionMail Visual Voicemail; Ayoa HD Visual Task Management; Taskheat — visual to-do list; Multi Timer HD Free - Visually manage tasks, chores, activities in everyday life;
Or follow the guide below to use on PC:
Select Windows version:
Install InstaVoice® Visual Voicemail app on your Windows in 4 steps below:
Download a Compatible APK for PC
Download | Developer | Rating | Current version |
Get APK for PC → | Kirusa Inc. | 2.83 | 4.3.13 |
Download on Android: Download Android
- Free unlimited visual voicemail
- Free missed call alerts
- Link multiple phone numbers and receive voicemail and missed calls from all linked numbers on one app
- Set personalized voicemail greetings for callers
- Receive voicemail and missed call alerts on email
- Withdraw sent voicemail
- Access voicemail and missed calls on multiple devices
- Massive inbox to store unlimited voicemails and missed calls
- Access visual voicemail and missed calls from any WiFi network
- App usage is free, but call forwarding to voicemail services may incur charges as per operator tariff
- Standard data charges may apply if not connected via WiFi
- Supported in multiple countries and carriers
- Deactivate voicemail and missed call alert service if the app is uninstalled.
- Allows for voicemail playback through speakerphone
- Has a user-friendly interface
- Recent updates have caused issues with voicemail playback through the standard earpiece
- Some users have reported difficulty setting up the service and receiving support from customer service
- Difficult to delete information and remove the app from the phone
No longer works
Fix playback, only works on speakerphone
You can’t get rid of it
Can’t hear voice note unless I use a ear piece.