Loving 40th game
By KING OGBSmoov (Pcmac user)
I’m the Owner of team “PHAROAHS”.
I read so many reviews about this game. They made me not want to play, but soon as I played, and got what I needed to learn? This Game IS SOO FUN!! action packed, but if you’re a Power Junky and you like to dominate?(This what I loved about this game)Because this game is FOOTBALL Fundamentally sound, you can not know what you doing, and just use
brut strength to beat up on teams, no, this game is designed for the FOOTBALL SAVVY, Real Xs,And O’s players! I won 35 Games with 5 arcane games, and only lost 7 games. SO, While you nerds are complaining, OGBSmoov coming in Taking over. I see teams on here that have abandoned there teams to let the computer takeover, and they had GREAT PLAYERS! It’s a mistake put leave a team after putting money into your team?@! This game is great even if you can’t or don’t want to spend money, cause the game is designed to Goood Football play, where if your team is poor coached for gameplay against an experienced coaching, but low leveled player teams, they could match well against your STAR STUDDED Team, then you have AN UPSET!. Upsets can happen but they don’t have to at all. The team with the most points wins in football, and that’s what FOOTBALL Supposed to be. GOOD JOB DEVELOPERS!!!!!! I can wait til you make your creative designs to have more stats. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Unequal from the start
By Sun360 (Pcmac user)
How is a level 50 player or level 30 , or even a level 20 ranked players playing beginners, level 3, 4, and 5 ranked players. I like it until I played a player with 122 wins 67 losses way higher level then my level 5, and even if I chose 3 cards, still no chance at all, the developers need to stop sending rookies to the slaughter house , BALANCE OUT THE LEVELS, OR ATLEAST , keep way higher ranks from playing way lower ranks, its not even a contest. I was souped, until I found out I couldn’t control anything, like wth this is 2018, this is a generic copy of super tecmo bowl, and you can’t even play it, if you guys make this a real game where we can control the players, YOU will have a game almost as good as super tecmo bowl, and stop letting way higher ranks slaughter the lowest ranks. Then u open the store , and u clearly see that the developers don’t care about the progression of how better games and apps should be every year, nope not at all, they just care about money, Greed has killed the video gaming world folks, can’t even take your kid to the arcade anymore without spending tons of quarters just to get a feel of the game, all the arcade have all their games on super hard. Put some powder on your hands, and smack yourselves on the face.....
The Developers are inactive..
By secretsuperheros (Pcmac user)
Listen. This game was good years ago, but now this is just getting out of hand. You do so many "bug fixes & improvements", but there ARE no bugs. Update this game to where it would attract more people, because honestly, it's pretty much dead now. Also, I have a few things to say.. For 1, the matchmaking is just terrible. Once you start, you face teams that have WAY more experience than you, and you're JUST a rookie. I played 2 teams and went 0-2, and both of those teams had legendary players & platinum players, while I only had bronze players. It isn't fair. Please make this game better. This was such a good game, but it is dying (probably already has) due to the fact that you guys can't take responsibility and make this game better. For example, add leagues, exhibition, seasonal, and at the most, career mode. I would also love to see things like the player game coverage being changed every year, because these players are old and irrelevant now, and most aren't even playing in the NFL anymore, yet again, you have them on the loading screen, player pack coverage, etc. PLEASE FIX THIS GAME SO THAT WE CAN HAVE OTHER the app WIN GAMES TO PLAY. Please read this review, and at the most, think about adding my ideas!
Updates like content
By RaidingSucks (Pcmac user)
All you do is minor bugs fixes. I have played this game years ago and I never saw bugs or glitches . There hasn’t been a update like new content like players, adding leagues, or choosing to go for it on 4th down. So where are the glitches coming from. You need to put in work to get money there’s no point in buying bucks if there’s the same old content. Please see this and add content there are no glitches in the game just saying. I realized this might be a review on nba but I am talking about all games racing, nba, football, etc. we also need ranked games and the matches would be longer like instead of 1 sec per minute it 2-3 seconds and for racing longer laps. If you did this people would start playing again and maybe you could fill up matches with people and not bots. Also fix the overall system like 80 ovr teams losing to 40 ovr teams. I do think that the 40 ovr team should have a chance to win but not that high. Please add content and gameplay changes I miss the community this game had years ago let’s bring it back!!!!