Published by 精訊 on 2021-03-18
What is 俠客英雄傳25周年紀念版?
This is a martial arts legend set in the Ming Dynasty. The story revolves around the five major martial arts sects - Shaolin, Wudang, Emei, Kunlun, and Beggar's Sect. These sects have been established for decades and have gone through ups and downs. However, they have always remained at the top of the martial arts world. Due to their rivalry, they do not interact with each other and do not intervene in conflicts between other sects. This has led to deepening animosity between the sects. With the passing of the elders who could mediate between the sects, the competition between the sects has intensified, and there is a tendency for a factional war to break out.
To prevent this, the abbot of Shaolin convenes a meeting of the sect leaders on Huangshan Mountain. They agree to define the power boundaries of each sect and strictly prohibit disciples from interfering in the activities of other sects. However, a group of bandits and outlaws gather in the border areas between the sects and outside the power boundaries of the five major sects.
Meanwhile, a new sect called the Demon Cult has emerged in the western regions. They were originally a sect that worshipped the light, but due to being ostracized by the orthodox sects of the Central Plains, they became more extreme and aimed to conquer the martial arts world. They actively recruit disciples from the orthodox sects and teach them their martial arts.
As the Demon Cult launches various invasion plans, the martial arts world of the Central Plains remains unaware of the danger.
Getting the best Games app for you is hard, which is why we are happy to give you 俠客英雄傳25周年紀念版 from 精訊. □劇情介紹 這是一段明朝的武林傳奇…… 武林各大門派成立數十年來,歷盡興衰,起伏不定,唯少林、武當、峨嵋、崑崙及丐幫各自鼎立,形成五大門派。五大門派礙於門戶之見,並不相往來。對於武林中其他派別發生的幾次重大衝突亦不調停,造成各派之間嫌隙加深,日復一日。武林中德高望重足以調解各派間問題的長者一一仙去,是以各大派門競爭加烈,竟有演變為派系決戰的傾向! 各派掌門深覺這場武林大禍一觸即發,故由少林住持在黃山召開掌門人大會。各派達成協議,界定各門派之勢力範圍,彼此嚴禁弟子不得干涉他派活動區域之事件,一場武林浩劫就此消弭無形。 然而各派活動區域的交界處,以及未納入五大門派勢力之範圍,篡起了一股群集活動的烏合之眾,打家劫舍,殺人放火,有方興未艾之勢。 在五大門派興起之時,西域拜火教的一支教徒另創門派,由於行事詭異,行善之事不欲人知,遭誤解亦不出面解釋,故處處引起中原人士的排斥,普遍稱之為魔教。此教原本是崇尚光明,但是自從被冠上魔教之名,遭中原正教的排擠後,歷代教主更加偏激,最後以征服中原武林為立教的最高宗旨。 為了實現統一中原的大志,魔教積極吸收正教中意志不堅者,挑撥離間後,成為魔教的臥底份子,並把正教的武學傳授到魔教之中。雖然流入魔教的武學只是正教的基礎功夫,演變為八套截然不同的武學,魔教教主於是在其下另設阿修羅王、天王、龍王、迦樓羅王、夜叉王、摩呼迦羅王、乾達婆王、緊那羅王等八位武將組成八部眾繼承絕學,歷代八部眾的繼承人不斷的由實戰中改進本身的絕學。 反觀中原武林方面,五大門派之間雖然沒有繼續發生重大衝突,但彼此之間相互監視,而不適時拔刀相助的情形越發嚴重。五大門派早期具有的狹義精神已被各門派所訂定的條條門規所塵封,各門派自掃門前雪的心態昭然若揭。進而引發各門派內部的事端。 如今,在魔教教主率領教徒展開各項入侵計劃時,中原武林人士尚全然未知,傳說就這樣開始了。 …………。 □遊戲特色 ●國內第一款將武俠情節融入角色扮演遊戲中。 ●計五座城,六座村,十四座寺廟及洞穴,提供廣大的冒險空間。 ●各大門派五十餘種敵人,十三項武林絕學。 ●共計40首遊戲音樂,曲曲動聽,饒富中國風味。. If 俠客英雄傳25周年紀念版 suits you, get the 196.51 MB app for 1.5 on PC. IF you like 俠客英雄傳25周年紀念版, you will like other Games apps like Roblox; Fortnite; 8 Ball Pool™; Sniper 3D: Gun Shooting Games;
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- The first RPG to incorporate martial arts plotlines into the game.
- Five cities, six villages, fourteen temples, and caves provide a vast adventure space.
- Over fifty types of enemies from the major sects and thirteen martial arts skills.
- A total of 40 game music tracks, each with a beautiful Chinese style.