Published by Dream With Us on 2016-04-23
Getting the best Reference app for you is hard, which is why we are happy to give you 粵英字典 from Dream With Us. the appthisthe app the appapp下載前請看thisthe app the appappthe app:the appthisthe app the appapp此App只作參考使用thisthe app the appappthe app,the appthisthe app the appapp本appthisthe app the appappthe app the appthisthe app the appapp並不確保所有拼音均為準確thisthe app the appappthe app。 the appthisthe app the appapp香港政府粵語拼音是香港政府以英文字音拼寫中文thisthe app the appappthe app(the appthisthe app the appapp以粵語為準thisthe app the appappthe app)the appthisthe app the appapp的方案thisthe app the appappthe app。the appthisthe app the appapp有別於另一套由香港語言學學會所發布的香港語言學學會粵語拼音方案thisthe app the appappthe app。the appthisthe app the appapp在香港出生的人thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp街道thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp地方以及公共屋邨的名稱都是以這套方法來拼寫thisthe app the appappthe app,the appthisthe app the appapp由殖民地時代開始沿用至今thisthe app the appappthe app。the appthisthe app the appapp除了香港以外thisthe app the appappthe app,the appthisthe app the appapp中國大陸thisthe app the appappthe app(the appthisthe app the appapp以廣東省為主thisthe app the appappthe app)the appthisthe app the appapp及海外也有人使用這套方案翻譯自己的姓名thisthe app the appappthe app,the appthisthe app the appapp且並不局限於粵語母語話者thisthe app the appappthe app。 the appthisthe app the appapp這套系統可能來自威妥瑪拼音thisthe app the appappthe app,the appthisthe app the appapp應沿自香港政府內部thisthe app the appappthe app。the appthisthe app the appapp生死註冊處thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp入境事務處及路政署等香港政府部門均是以此拼法分別為香港人名thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp地名和街名等定出對應的英文名稱thisthe app the appappthe app。the appthisthe app the appapp有不少人都見過當帶同初生嬰兒到入境事務處登記時thisthe app the appappthe app,the appthisthe app the appapp職員會從一本類似字典的書中將父母取的中文名字查出對應的英文拼法thisthe app the appappthe app。 the appthisthe app the appapp此拼音系統可能是為了方便不諳粵語的英國人而設thisthe app the appappthe app,the appthisthe app the appapp標音原則上以英文音模擬粵音thisthe app the appappthe app,the appthisthe app the appapp故拼音不能準確反映實際粵音thisthe app the appappthe app(the appthisthe app the appapp詳見下文thisthe app the appappthe app)。the appthisthe app the appapp因此thisthe app the appappthe app,the appthisthe app the appapp教育局和考評局有教育學院拼音方案系統thisthe app the appappthe app,the appthisthe app the appapp供中小學教育工作者使用thisthe app the appappthe app。the appthisthe app the appapp然而教育學院拼音方案沒有應用於人名thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp地名等教學以外的範疇thisthe app the appappthe app。 the appthisthe app the appapp因為這套拼音只會用來轉寫專有名詞thisthe app the appappthe app(the appthisthe app the appapp人名thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp街道名thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp地方名等thisthe app the appappthe app),the appthisthe app the appapp所以一些常用但很少用在專有名詞中的字thisthe app the appappthe app(the appthisthe app the appapp如thisthe app the appappthe app:the appthisthe app the appapp你thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp我thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp他thisthe app the appappthe app)the appthisthe app the appapp沒有什麼人知道他們的拼音thisthe app the appappthe app,the appthisthe app the appapp使得這套拼音不能如漢語拼音或注音符號般用作普通的中文輸入法thisthe app the appappthe app;the appthisthe app the appapp但是由於大多數香港人只懂得這一套粵語拼音thisthe app the appappthe app,the appthisthe app the appapp公共圖書館檢索系統中亦提供作輸入thisthe app the appappthe app[the appthisthe app the appapp1thisthe app the appappthe app]。the appthisthe app the appapp關於粵語拼音的輸入法可參考粵語拼音輸入法thisthe app the appappthe app。. If 粵英字典 suits you, get the 6.63 MB app for 1.1 on PC. IF you like 粵英字典, you will like other Reference apps like Bible; Muslim Pro: Quran Athan Prayer; Bible - Daily Bible Verse KJV; Night Sky; FamilySearch Tree;
Or follow the guide below to use on PC:
Select Windows version:
Install 粵英字典 app on your Windows in 4 steps below:
Download a Compatible APK for PC
Download | Developer | Rating | Current version |
Get APK for PC → | Dream With Us | 1 | 1.1 |
For Windows 11, check if there's a native 粵英字典 Windows app here » ». If none, follow the steps below:
Minimum requirements | Recommended |