詠み人知らず -五七五・俳句・川柳・パーティーゲーム- for pc and mac

詠み人知らず -五七五・俳句・川柳・パーティーゲーム- for Pc

Written by Momoko Sato

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Download Developer Rating Score Current version Adult Ranking
Check for APK → Momoko Sato 0 0 1.0.3 4+

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Game Features and Description

Getting the best Games app for you is hard, which is why we are happy to give you 詠み人知らず -五七五・俳句・川柳・パーティーゲーム- from Momoko Sato. ・the appthisthe app the appapp簡単なルールでthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp誰でもすぐに参加可能thisthe app the appappthe app! ・the appthisthe app the appapp単純に笑えるパーティーゲームthisthe app the appappthe app! ・the appthisthe app the appapp飽きないシンプルなゲーム性thisthe app the appappthe app! ・the appthisthe app the appapp家族でもthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp友達とでもthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp3人以上でワイワイ遊べるアプリthisthe app the appappthe app! ・the appthisthe app the appapp全く新しいthisthe app the appappthe app「the appthisthe app the appapp5thisthe app the appappthe app・the appthisthe app the appapp7thisthe app the appappthe app・the appthisthe app the appapp5thisthe app the appappthe app」the appthisthe app the appappの川柳が次々に出てくる爆笑アプリthisthe app the appappthe app! ・the appthisthe app the appappオンラインでもオフラインでもthisthe app the appappthe app! 【the appthisthe app the appappゲームの特徴thisthe app the appappthe app】 the appthisthe app the appappランダムに指名された人がthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp一人一文字ずつthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp文字を入力するだけthisthe app the appappthe app!the appthisthe app the appappみんなで五七五を作ろうthisthe app the appappthe app! the appthisthe app the appapp初めて遊ぶ人でもthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappすぐに仲間入りthisthe app the appappthe app! the appthisthe app the appappみんなが1文字ずついれた川柳thisthe app the appappthe app(the appthisthe app the appapp俳句thisthe app the appappthe app)the appthisthe app the appappはthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappめちゃくちゃthisthe app the appappthe app!? the appthisthe app the appappそれともthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp爆笑thisthe app the appappthe app?(the appthisthe app the appappもしかするとthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp感動して泣けるかもthisthe app the appappthe app!) the appthisthe app the appappスマホ1台から遊べthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp人数分のスマホを用意すれば人数thisthe app the appappthe app×the appthisthe app the appapp2つの俳句が作成可能thisthe app the appappthe app! the appthisthe app the appappすぐに遊べてthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp飽きないゲーム性thisthe app the appappthe app! the appthisthe app the appapp従来の勝ち負けにこだわらない遊び方はもちろんthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappアプリ版では得点計算を自動で行う機能を搭載thisthe app the appappthe app! 【the appthisthe app the appappボードゲームthisthe app the appappthe app「the appthisthe app the appapp詠み人知らずthisthe app the appappthe app」the appthisthe app the appappを知っている方へthisthe app the appappthe app】 (the appthisthe app the appapp詠み人知らずはサークルthisthe app the appappthe app「the appthisthe app the appappかんぽthisthe app the appappthe app」the appthisthe app the appappのMYA様が考案されたゲームですthisthe app the appappthe app) the appthisthe app the appappアプリ版ならではの追加実装thisthe app the appappthe app!the appthisthe app the appappおもしろいゲームをさらに楽しいものへするためにthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp追加機能を開発thisthe app the appappthe app!the appthisthe app the appappもちろん任意で設定可能thisthe app the appappthe app! the appthisthe app the appappSkypethisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappDiscord等を使ってオンラインでも遊べますthisthe app the appappthe app! <the appthisthe app the appapp誰がこの文字入れたthisthe app the appappthe app?the appthisthe app the appapp機能thisthe app the appappthe app> ・the appthisthe app the appappアプリ版ではthisthe app the appappthe app「the appthisthe app the appapp誰がどの文字を入れたのかthisthe app the appappthe app」the appthisthe app the appappが分かる機能を搭載thisthe app the appappthe app the appthisthe app the appappーゲーム終了後に戦犯は誰だったのかthisthe app the appappthe app?the appthisthe app the appapp誰からおかしくなったのかthisthe app the appappthe app?the appthisthe app the appappを楽しめますthisthe app the appappthe app! <the appthisthe app the appappテーマ機能thisthe app the appappthe app> ・the appthisthe app the appappランダムにthisthe app the appappthe app「the appthisthe app the appappテーマthisthe app the appappthe app」the appthisthe app the appappを設定可能thisthe app the appappthe app! the appthisthe app the appappー従来の遊び方では出てこないような川柳が登場するかもthisthe app the appappthe app!? the appthisthe app the appappーthisthe app the appappthe app「the appthisthe app the appapp失恋thisthe app the appappthe app」「the appthisthe app the appapp戦国時代thisthe app the appappthe app」「the appthisthe app the appapp心霊スポットthisthe app the appappthe app」the appthisthe app the appappなどのテーマにどう対応するthisthe app the appappthe app!? <the appthisthe app the appapp得点計算機能thisthe app the appappthe app> ・the appthisthe app the appapp当初より考えられていた得点機能を自動計算thisthe app the appappthe app ・the appthisthe app the appapp一番良かった川柳の記入者thisthe app the appappthe app×the appthisthe app the appapp文字数で得点をすぐに計算thisthe app the appappthe app the appthisthe app the appappー得点機能によってthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp勝ち負けを楽しんだりthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp川柳クラッシャーの出現を防げますthisthe app the appappthe app! the appthisthe app the appapp3人からthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp大人数まで手軽に遊べるthisthe app the appappthe app「the appthisthe app the appapp川柳thisthe app the appappthe app」the appthisthe app the appappパーティーゲームthisthe app the appappthe app! the appthisthe app the appapp部活thisthe app the appappthe app・the appthisthe app the appapp飲み会thisthe app the appappthe app・the appthisthe app the appapp合コンthisthe app the appappthe app・the appthisthe app the appapp学校thisthe app the appappthe app・the appthisthe app the appapp家族thisthe app the appappthe app・the appthisthe app the appapp会社thisthe app the appappthe app・the appthisthe app the appapp友達とでもthisthe app the appappthe app! the appthisthe app the appappシンプルゆえに人を選ばないthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp五七五パーティーゲームthisthe app the appappthe app! 【the appthisthe app the appapp各種掲載についてthisthe app the appappthe app】 the appthisthe app the appapp各種メディアthisthe app the appappthe app(the appthisthe app the appapp雑誌thisthe app the appappthe app・the appthisthe app the appapp書籍thisthe app the appappthe app・the appthisthe app the appappYoutubeなどの動画サイトthisthe app the appappthe app)the appthisthe app the appappへのプレイ動画thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappアプリ紹介等は報告不要でthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp非商用thisthe app the appappthe app・the appthisthe app the appapp商用問わずthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappご自由におこなっていただいてかまいませんthisthe app the appappthe app。 the appthisthe app the appappまたthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappアイコン画像やスクリーンショット画像なども許可等は必要なくthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp使用や加工等もしていただいてかまいませんthisthe app the appappthe app。 the appthisthe app the appappもしthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp可能であればストアページへのリンクを記載いただければ嬉しいですがthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp必須ではありませんthisthe app the appappthe app。 【the appthisthe app the appappイベント等での使用に関してthisthe app the appappthe app】 the appthisthe app the appappテレビやライブイベントthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp居酒屋thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappバーなどでの活用もthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappご自由に行っていただいてかまいませんthisthe app the appappthe app。the appthisthe app the appappこちらもご報告は不要ですthisthe app the appappthe app。 the appthisthe app the appappご不明な点等がございましたらthisthe app the appappthe app、 the appthisthe app the appappmuratsukuthisthe app the appappthe app[the appthisthe app the appappatthisthe app the appappthe app]the appthisthe app the appappgmailthisthe app the appappthe app.the appthisthe app the appappcomthisthe app the appappthe app the appthisthe app the appappまでthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappお気軽にお申し付けくださいthisthe app the appappthe app。 the appthisthe app the appappこのアプリでみなさんの楽しい思い出が少しでも多くなりましたらthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappこれ以上の喜びはありませんthisthe app the appappthe app。. If 詠み人知らず -五七五・俳句・川柳・パーティーゲーム- suits you, get the 72.60 MB app for 1.0.3 on PC. IF you like 詠み人知らず, you will like other Games apps like 五七五オンライン - 俳句や川柳をオンラインで一緒に; Roblox; Fortnite; 8 Ball Pool™; Sniper 3D: Gun Shooting Games;

Download and install 詠み人知らず -五七五・俳句・川柳・パーティーゲーム- on your computer

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Or follow the guide below to use on PC:

Select Windows version:

  1. Windows 7-10
  2. Windows 11

Download and install the 詠み人知らず -五七五・俳句・川柳・パーティーゲーム- app on your Windows 10,8,7 or Mac in 4 simple steps below:

  1. Download an Android emulator for PC and Mac:
    Get either Bluestacks or the Nox App >> . We recommend Bluestacks because you can easily find solutions online if you run into problems while using it. Download Bluestacks Pc or Mac software Here >> .

  2. Install the emulator on your PC or Mac:
    On your computer, goto the Downloads folder » click to install Bluestacks.exe or Nox.exe » Accept the License Agreements » Follow the on-screen prompts to complete installation.

  3. Using 詠み人知らず on PC [Windows 7/ 8/8.1/ 10/ 11]:
    • Open the Emulator app you installed » goto its search bar and search "詠み人知らず"
    • The search will reveal the 詠み人知らず -五七五・俳句・川柳・パーティーゲーム- app icon. Open, then click "Install".
    • Once 詠み人知らず is downloaded inside the emulator, locate/click the "All apps" icon to access a page containing all your installed applications including 詠み人知らず.
    • Now enjoy 詠み人知らず on PC.

  4. Using 詠み人知らず on Mac OS:
    Install 詠み人知らず -五七五・俳句・川柳・パーティーゲーム- on your Mac using the same steps for Windows OS above.

How to download and Play 詠み人知らず game on Windows 11

To get 詠み人知らず on Windows 11, check if there's a native 詠み人知らず Windows app here » ». If none, follow the steps below:

  1. Download the Amazon-Appstore » (U.S only)
    • Click on "Get" to begin installation. It also automatically installs Windows Subsystem for Android.
    • After installation, Goto Windows Start Menu or Apps list » Open the Amazon Appstore » Login (with Amazon account)

  2. For non-U.S users, Download the OpenPC software »
    • Upon installation, open OpenPC app » goto Playstore on PC » click Configure_Download. This will auto-download Google Play Store on your Windows 11.

  3. Installing 詠み人知らず:
    • Login to your computer's PlayStore or Amazon AppStore.
    • Search for "詠み人知らず" » Click "Install" to install 詠み人知らず -五七五・俳句・川柳・パーティーゲーム-
    • 詠み人知らず -五七五・俳句・川柳・パーティーゲーム- will now be available on your windows start-menu.

Minimum requirements Recommended
  • 8GB RAM
  • SSD Storage
  • Processor: Intel Core i3, AMD Ryzen 3000
  • Architecture: x64 or ARM64
  • 16GB RAM
  • HDD Storage

詠み人知らず -五七五・俳句・川柳・パーティーゲーム- On iTunes

Download Developer Rating Score Current version Adult Ranking
Free On iTunes Momoko Sato 0 0 1.0.3 4+

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