Technology Stack
The following are the key website technologies Chipotle uses to run it's website ( and power it's business:
- Adobe Experience Manager
- Amazon Cloudfront
- Amazon S3
- Apache
- Apache Tomcat
- Azure Cdn
- Envoy Proxy
- Facebook Social Plugins
- Google Analytics
- Google Cloud
- Google Tag Manager
- Gunicorn
- Heap
- Java
- Jquery
- Lodash
- Microsoft Asp Net
- Nginx
- Python
- Varnish
- Vue Js
- Webpack
- Zurb Foundation
The technologies mentioned above fall into the categories below and show the industries Chipotle is most interested in: They are
Analytics, Application Performance, Caching, Cdn, Cloud Paas, Cms, Dot Net Framework, Javascript Bundler, Javascript Framework, Javascript Library, Programming Language, Reverse Proxy, Social Widget, Tag Management, Ui Framework, Web Hosting, Web Server,