The Dark Eye – Chains of Satinav 为 PC

下载 The Dark Eye – Chains of Satinav 为 PC

写的 - Daedalic Entertainment GmbH


1. - Dive into the fantastic world of Aventuria and experience an epic adventure, written by experienced authors of the popular pen and paper fantasy role-playing game The Dark Eye.

2. The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav immerses players deep in the world of Aventuria, where they experience an amazing story and explore lands never before featured in a TDE computer game.

3. However, not only does his task prove unexpectedly difficult, but it also turns out to be the first step of the greatest adventure of his life, which will lead him to the borders of the charted lands of Aventuria and beyond.

4. As the belligerent creatures infiltrate even the castle itself, the king seeks a skilled bird catcher - an opportunity for young Geron to prove that the reputation for ill luck that has followed him since childhood is undeserved.

5. In Andergast, whose inhabitants are considered to be notoriously superstitious, King Efferdan awaits a state visit from high-ranking dignitaries.

6. But a plague of crows troubles the king, for the birds are acting with unusual aggressiveness, even attacking humans.

7. For centuries the kingdom has been at odds with neighboring Nostria, but now first steps are being undertaken toward a lasting peace.

8. - An epic fantasy soundtrack, as well as high-quality voiceovers to provide an unparalleled gaming experience.

9. Moreover, there are those among the citizens of Andergast who swear that the crows are bringing them dark nightmares.

10. In addition to the popular pen & paper adventures, TDE has also inspired a series of successful computer games.

11. With a history of more than 25 years, The Dark Eye is one of Europe's best-known role-playing brands.



如何下载和安装 The Dark Eye – Chains of Satinav 在你的PC和Mac上

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或按照以下指南在PC上使用 :


  1. Windows 7-10
  2. Windows 11

如果你想安装和使用 The Dark Eye – Chains of Satinav 应用程序在您的PC或Mac上,您需要为您的计算机下载并安装桌面应用程序模拟器。我们一直在努力帮助您理解如何使用 app 为您的计算机在下面4个简单的步骤:


好的。首先要做的事情。如果您想在计算机上使用该应用程序,请先访问Mac商店或Windows 应用商店,然后搜索Bluestacks应用程序或 Nox 应用 。网络上的大多数教程都会推荐Bluestacks应用程序,我也可能会推荐它,因为如果您在计算机上使用 Bluestacks应用程序时遇到问题,您很可能很容易在网上找到解决方案。您可以在这里 下载Bluestacks Pc或Mac软件。  


第3步: The Dark Eye – Chains of Satinav 对于 个人计算机 - Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11

现在,打开已安装的模拟器应用程序并查找其搜索栏。一旦找到它,请键入 The Dark Eye – Chains of Satinav 在搜索栏并按搜索。点击 The Dark Eye – Chains of Satinav应用程序图标。一个 窗口 The Dark Eye – Chains of Satinav 在Play商店或应用程序商店将打开并且它将在您的模拟器应用程序中显示商店。现在,按下安装按钮并像在iPhone或Android设备上一样,您的应用程序将开始下载。现在我们都完成了。
你会看到一个名为“所有应用程序”的图标。 点击它,它会带你到一个包含所有已安装应用程序的页面。 你应该看到 图标。点击它并开始使用该应用程序。

获取适用于 PC 的兼容APK

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检查 APK → Daedalic Entertainment GmbH 0 12+
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奖励: 下载 The Dark Eye 在iTunes上“

下载 开发人员 评分 分数 当前版本 成人排名
¥128.00 在iTunes上“ Daedalic Entertainment GmbH 0 12+

在 Windows 11 上设置电脑和下载 The Dark Eye 应用的步骤:

要在Windows 11上使用移动应用程序,您需要安装亚马逊应用商店。设置完成后,您将能够从精选目录中浏览和安装移动应用程序。如果您想在Windows 11上运行Android应用程序,本指南适合您。.

  1. 检查您的计算机是否兼容:以下是最低要求:
    • RAM: 8GB (最低), 16GB (推荐)
    • 存储: SSD
    • Processor:
      • Intel Core i3 8th Gen (最低或更高)
      • AMD Ryzen 3000 (最低或更高)
      • Qualcomm Snapdragon 8c (最低或更高)
    • Processor Architecture: x64 or ARM64
  2. 检查 The Dark Eye – Chains of Satinav 是否已经有原生 Windows 版本 在这里做 » 。如果没有本机版本,请继续执行步骤 3。
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