Firefox Statistics (2025) - Users, Revenue, Facts
Published Mozilla on 2024-09-11
Choose Firefox to be your go-to browser and help shape a better internet for
you, your family and community. Download Firefox now for iPhone, iPad and Mac.
Choose Firefox to be your go-to browser and help shape a better internet for
you, your family and community. Download Firefox now for iPhone, iPad and Mac.
About: Use Firefox Focus for everything you want to keep separate from your main browser — for all those get in get out and forget about it moments. No tabs, no fuss, no muss. Block online trackers too. One tap, and your browsing history is completely destroyed
About: Choose Firefox to be your go-to browser and help shape a better internet for you, your family and community. Download Firefox now for iPhone, iPad and Mac. When you use Firefox, you’re helping support Mozilla, which is backed by a non-profit foundation whose mission is to ensure the internet remains a global public resource, open and accessible to everyone. We know there are a lot of choices out there, some of them produced by huge tech companies, but in choosing Firefox you’re joining a unique community that’s actively helping to diversify the way people experience the internet. Fir
How many employees does Mozilla have? Mozilla is estimated to have 1k-5k Employees
As a growing company, Firefox operates at the intersection of multiple industries and verticals. Here they are:
The following products have been released by Mozilla, the parent company of Firefox to varying degrees of success:
The following are the key website technologies Firefox uses to run it's website ( and power it's business:
The technologies mentioned above fall into the categories below and show the industries Firefox is most interested in: They are Calendar & Scheduling, Video Conferencing, Analytics, Cdn, Cloud Paas, Cloud Storage, Cms, Collaboration, Email Service, Error Tracking, Headless Cms, Javascript Library, Productivity, Tag Management, Web Hosting,