LinkedIn user stats

LinkedIn Statistics (2025) - Users, Revenue, Facts

Published on 2024-09-30

Welcome professionals! LinkedIn is the social network for job seekers,
professionals, and businesses. Build your network, find business contacts,
connect with recruiters, and use your professional profile as an online resume.


LinkedIn allows members (both workers and employers) to create profiles and connect with each other in an online social network which may represent real-world professional relationships.
Launched on May 5, 2003, the platform is primarily used for professional networking and career development, and allows job seekers to post their CVs and employers to post jobs.
LinkedIn can also be used to organize offline events, join groups, write articles, publish job postings, post photos and videos, and more.

LinkedIn(领英)是全球最大的职业社交网站,于 2003 年 5 月 5 日正式上线,目前用户人数超过4亿,覆盖全球 200 多个国家,拥有 23 种官方语言 版本。领英的使命是连接全球职场人士,使他们事半功倍,发挥所长;更长远的愿景则是为全球33 亿劳动力创造商业机会,进而创建世界首个经济图谱。 领英为会员提供的核心价值包括:职业身份、知识洞察、商业机会。在这个职业社交网络平台上,每天产生 4500 多万简历浏览,每年发生 57 亿次职业搜索。450 位全球最具影响力的思想领袖作为领英的"影响力人物"在此独家分享知识、经验和洞察。来自 140 个行业的 400 多万家公司已在领英上建立了主页。 领英为企业和机构提供包括招聘、市场和销售在内的一系列解决方案。领英拥有多元化经营模式,主要收入来自于为客户所提供的征才、营销解决方案及高级帐户。 领英由美国著名投资家和创业者里德·霍夫曼(Reid Hoffman)先生创办,公司总部位于美国加州硅谷,在全世界 30 个城市开设办公室,拥有 6,000 多名员工。领英于 2011 年 5 月在纽约证券交易所上市。 为了更好地连接中国职场人士,为其提供全球化平台,助力他们实现职业理想,2014 年 1 月,领英宣布正式进入中国,2 月 25 日,简体中文测试版上线,并正式启用中文名称 – "领英"。 领英在中国与红杉资本和宽带资本成立了合资公司,共同探索和开展在华业务,努力为中国用户提供更好的本地化产品和服务。


Key Facts:

  • Parent Company Launch date: May 5, 2003; 19 years ago (2003-05-05)Mountain View, California, U.S.
  • Product Launch: 2014
  • Founder: Reid HoffmanEric Ly
  • Estimated Monthly Visitors: over-1b
  • Telephone number: (650) 687-3600
  • Domain name:
  • Owner: LinkedIn
  • Company Type: SubsidiaryProfessional network service
  • Country of operation: Worldwide

total Visits
pages Per Visit
avg Visit Duration
1:00 mins
bounce Rate

Monthly Traffic

Top Marketing Channels

App Stores Details

Google PlayStore

    About: Welcome professionals! Find jobs on one of the largest social networking apps and online jobs market with LinkedIn, the most trusted network and business community. Build connections with industry leaders in your community, follow business news, connect with a recruiter and discover a new career. Start your job search and find the workplace for you - whether in a welcoming office setting or from the comfort of your house when you work from home. Find part-time, freelance, or full-time, local or remote jobs hiring, and everything in between – you can search for jobs easily with LinkedIn

  • Downloads:

  • Content Rating: Everyone

  • Support Email:

  • Price: Free

Apple AppStore

    About: Welcome professionals! LinkedIn is the social network for job seekers, professionals, and businesses. Build your network, find business contacts, connect with recruiters, and use your professional profile as an online resume. LinkedIn’s job search filters help you narrow down from the millions of jobs posted to the job that’s right for you. Use job search alerts to get notified when new positions open up in companies you’re interested in, all the while connecting directly with recruiters or employees in your network. Tap into your network to ask for a referral for companies you’re app

  • Content Rating: 12+

  • Developer Website:

  • Price: Free

  • Category: Business
  • Average Rating: 4.56285
  • No. of times Rated: 194,220
  • App Updated On: 2024-09-30
  • iOS version required: 11.0

App User Experience




~ from NLP analysis of 194,220 combined app ratings.

Number of LinkedIn Employees

How many employees does LinkedIn have? LinkedIn is estimated to have 50-200 Employees

LinkedIn Revenue

Verified: US$ 10 Billion (2021)

Company Financials:
  • Type: Publicly traded SubsidiaryProfessional network service
  • StockExchange Details:
  • Operating Income:
  • Net Income: US$ —159.2 Million (2021)
  • Total Assets:
  • Total Equity:

Company Headquarters:

  • Headquarters: Sunnyvale, California, U.S.
  • Latitude: 39.906217
  • Longitude: 116.3912757

Industries LinkedIn Operates In

As a growing company, LinkedIn operates at the intersection of multiple industries and verticals. Here they are:

  1. Internet
  2. Computer-programming
  3. Data-processing
  4. Internet

LinkedIn subsidiaries

Here are all other subsidiaries of LinkedIn we could uncover:

  1. LinkedIn Learning Connectifier Drawbridge Glint

Technology Stack

The following are the key website technologies LinkedIn uses to run it's website ( and power it's business:

  1. Amazon Ec2
  2. Amazon S3
  3. Apache
  4. Azure Cdn
  5. Centos
  6. Google Analytics
  7. Java
  8. Lighttpd
  9. Litespeed
  10. Microsoft Asp Net
  11. Microsoft Iis
  12. Nginx
  13. Plesk
  14. Windows Server

The technologies mentioned above fall into the categories below and show the industries LinkedIn is most interested in: They are Analytics, Cdn, Cms, Dot Net Framework, Operating System, Programming Language, Web Server,

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