My Yahoo Weather App
I’m using my app, now, instead of on my iPhone 8+, on my new, iPhone 11, Pro Max. I live in an Obscured Valley, located in an unincorporated portion of Corona, California. On the 8, App sent me Alerts. Alerts so accurate, they told me, to within minutes of when it was going to rain here. After rain began, ON TIME!, App would indicate the approximate length of “Our Rain episode(s). Me, being disabled, and dependent on a wheelchair, walk my Service Dog, 2 ½ -4 hours every morning, and 2 ½ hours every night, after dark. It’s vital for my health, and my Dog’s, to know how to dress, and Exactly, what to expect, weather wise, on our treks. Especially since my dog is totally aqua-phobic! He may tolerate a light sprinkle for 5 minutes, but add a few drops, add the tiniest bit of wind, or drop the temperature more than 2 degrees, and he will chew through his leash, & Run! To the nearest dry spot, protected from any wind, and hunker-down for a 2-day enemy attack. He withstood the sweltering Summer Temps of 103°, 4 & 5 days in a row. After arriving home, he refused to come inside. Air conditioned to 75°, no flies, cool Lactaid, and bottled water. And A Treat. Nope. He’d stay Outside. In the shade, thank you, and sleep on his 2X3 foot carpet. No food or water, Until it was time for our next unbearable outing!
Having lost my iPhone 8, On Oct. 5, I had No $ to buy another iPhone until the 3rd of December. I have No running water, only electricity for 15-20 minutes a night, from my 1 year old 1 million decibel <~(not true) B&S, 6,500 watt generator. No $ for gas, so 15 minutes MAX! (I’m obviously hideously poor.) My only connection to the outside world, my only Radio, & now, my only T.V. Is my new iPhone 11. This Review gets 4, not 5 stars, as that app App on my 8, worked 25-30% better. I still regard this App, as “The Finest Weather App, chosen by Apple to provide additional features not found in “Apple’s” oversimplified Weather app. This app NO LONGER PROVIDES: My little Valley’s Alerts. The “Hourly” feature has been mutilated, by possibly an older employee who feared unemployment more than providing his best work.(Which I always endowed this talented type of employee with public praise. When budgets permitted, they were bonused, & raised.) My dog & I have No Clues now, to prepare us. The Alerts have all but stopped. (Though the rains have increased by 78%.)
My little Valley, once Prominent @ the Top Of My City List-NO LONGER EXISTS. Great job, you idiot! We have (a Lot!) multi-million dollar estates here, A few of these great benefits to society are deeply interested in our weather here, ESPECIALLY THE RAIN ☔️. I speak with them on our golf course here. I’m poor, becppl sorry I’m I’m weather-buffs, N, S, E, W. Use that talented employee, whom erroneously F’d up your local Weather in Corona, CA. (Zip: 92883)
Have THEM delineate the 4 sections for increased, local Weather reporting. (Yes, we all know: The Temps change at specific cross-streets or mile markers on highways throughout every city in America. Once they decide the 4 primary zones, allow them to Name each zone that will be recognized by people that live in each zone. Give this employee a real chance to be an asset. They truly need to be needed by App. Make their decisions for the zone Names they choose, semi permanent! With changes allowed ONLY by them, Once. In the 3 month probation period. After that, They’ll have to wait 3 years to change ANYTHING. This forces their creative side to “Set-aside”, and make great decisions for your company. Your App users will accept these services immediately. Note: Especially my Glen Ivy Golf Park friends, and the hundreds of wealthy Glen Ivy Hot Springs Members. Please place our gorgeous community back in your embrace. We need your Alerts. More than ever, now. Start us on the practice mound on time again. Inform those men & women parked in their vehicles, wearing a towel, How long this rain will last, so they can “Streak” to the front entrance, & still be seen at their appointment times.
I know. a - LOT Wordy. But there are a Lot of emotional ties to your app in my community. Put that person who “Threw away”, our communities weather information, IN CHARDE OF PUTTING IT BACK. They obviously know their job well. They’ll be reminded every day, how important, the accuracy of those Alerts must be. Even for just 2 of the Primary Glen Ivy businesses to survive here.
My thanks to App’s Outsource Clerks, Gophers, Editors, & Editor in Chief, for providing a User-Input format that I sincerely hope is thoughtfully read, & used occasionally, for the “Worthy Ideas” launch pad.
These, and future reviews are a genetic, & necessary organ for continued growth and success of App.
Happy Holidays to Everyone @ App. I love your app(s) your creative and your logical finesse! Obviously apparent in your Weather predictions. Thank you for creating this beautiful, unique, and too-damned accurate! App.
Always an admirer,
-Danny. 2019/4/12