Phlebotomy 5000 Notes & Quiz für Pc

Herunterladen Phlebotomy 5000 Notes & Quiz für Pc

Veröffentlicht von Karim SLITI

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1. The duties of a phlebotomist may include properly identifying the patient, interpreting the tests requested on the requisition, drawing blood into the correct tubes with the proper additives, accurately explaining the procedure to the patients, preparing patients accordingly, practicing the required forms of asepsis, practicing standard and universal precautions, performing the skin/vein puncture, withdrawing blood into containers or tubes, restoring hemostasis of the puncture site, instructing patients on post-puncture care, ordering tests per the doctor's requisition, affixing tubes with electronically printed labels, and delivering specimens to a laboratory.

2. Phlebotomy (from the Greek words phlebo-, meaning "pertaining to a blood vessel", and -tomy, meaning "to make an incision") is the process of making an incision in a vein with a needle.

3. A person who performs phlebotomy is called a "phlebotomist", although doctors, nurses, medical laboratory scientists and others do portions of phlebotomy procedures in many countries.

4. Phlebotomists are people trained to draw blood from a patient for clinical or medical testing, transfusions, donations, or research.

5. Get a better score in your USMLE (step1, step2 CS & CK), PANCE, MCAT, DAT, COMLEX,CNA, OAT, NBDE,PAX or PCAT exam, and the most important is to fall in love with the material, it worth all the attention.

6. This app is also suitable for students, researchers, resident, doctors, Anatomy & physiology specialists, nurses and medical professionals and of course Medical lecturers, teachers and professors.

7. Get +5000 Study notes & exam quiz & cases and Prepare and Pass Your Phlebotomy Exam very easily.

8. Phlebotomists collect blood primarily by performing venipunctures, (or, for collection of minute quantities of blood, fingersticks).

9. in this Phlebotomy application you will get over 20 Exam sets.

10. The content of the application might include inaccuracies or typographical errors, for which the owner cannot be held.

11. You will get better understanding, more practical cases, less preparation time & a better score in the exam.



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  1. Windows 7-10
  2. Windows 11

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Stufe 3: Phlebotomy 5000 Notes & Quiz für PC - Windows 7/8 / 10/ 11

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Auf APK prüfen → Karim SLITI 0 0 1.5 17+
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Bonus: Herunterladen Phlebotomy 5000 Notes & Quiz Auf iTunes

Herunterladen Entwickler Bewertung Ergebnis Aktuelle Version Adult Ranking
3,49 € Auf iTunes Karim SLITI 0 0 1.5 17+

Schritte zum Einrichten Ihres PCs und Herunterladen der Phlebotomy 5000 Notes & Quiz app unter Windows 11:

Um mobile Apps auf Ihrem Windows 11 zu verwenden, müssen Sie den Amazon Appstore installieren. Sobald es eingerichtet ist, können Sie mobile Apps aus einem kuratierten Katalog durchsuchen und installieren. Wenn Sie Android-Apps auf Ihrem Windows 11 ausführen möchten, ist diese Anleitung genau das Richtige für Sie..

  1. Überprüfen Sie, ob Ihr Computer kompatibel ist: Hier sind die Mindestanforderungen:
    • RAM: 8GB (minimum), 16GB (empfohlen)
    • Lagerung: SSD
    • Processor:
      • Intel Core i3 8th Gen (Minimum oder höher)
      • AMD Ryzen 3000 (Minimum oder höher)
      • Qualcomm Snapdragon 8c (Minimum oder höher)
    • Processor Architecture: x64 or ARM64
  2. Überprüfen Sie, ob Phlebotomy 5000 Notes & Quiz bereits eine native Windows-Version hat. Mach es hier ». Wenn es keine native Version gibt, fahren Sie mit Schritt 3 fort.
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