コメリアプリ for pc and mac

コメリアプリ for Pc

Written by Bit-A Co.,Ltd.

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Check for APK → Bit-A Co.,Ltd. 0 0 4.1.3 17+

★ ★ ★ コメリアプリ Overview


What is コメリアプリ? This is the official app of Komeri, the home center with the largest number of stores in Japan. The app provides easy access to various products such as tools, materials, agricultural and gardening supplies, home appliances, daily necessities, and interior goods. The app offers several features such as information on frequently visited stores, notifications for exclusive deals, checking store inventory, finding the location of products, entering campaigns, checking card points and balance, DIY and gardening how-to videos, and solving home-related problems.

Software Features and Description

Getting the best Shopping app for you is hard, which is why we are happy to give you コメリアプリ from Bit-A Co.,Ltd.. the appthisthe app the appappホームセンター店舗数日本一thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappコメリの公式アプリですthisthe app the appappthe app。 the appthisthe app the appapp工具thisthe app the appappthe app・the appthisthe app the appapp資材thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp農業thisthe app the appappthe app・the appthisthe app the appapp園芸用品thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp家電thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp日用品thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappインテリアなどさまざまな商品へ簡単アクセスthisthe app the appappthe app! the appthisthe app the appappお店がもっと身近になるthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp便利なアプリをダウンロードしようthisthe app the appappthe app! ●the appthisthe app the appappコメリのアプリはここが便利thisthe app the appappthe app the appthisthe app the appapp1thisthe app the appappthe app.the appthisthe app the appappよく行くお店の情報がすぐわかるthisthe app the appappthe app! the appthisthe app the appappアプリのトップ画面によく行くお店をマイストア登録thisthe app the appappthe app。 the appthisthe app the appapp当日の営業状況や最新チラシthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp電話番号などがすぐに分かって便利thisthe app the appappthe app! the appthisthe app the appapp2thisthe app the appappthe app.the appthisthe app the appappアプリの通知でお買い得情報をゲットthisthe app the appappthe app! the appthisthe app the appappアプリをお持ちの方だけthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappカードをお持ちの方だけのお買い得情報を通知でご連絡thisthe app the appappthe app! the appthisthe app the appappもしも通知を消してしまっても大丈夫thisthe app the appappthe app。 the appthisthe app the appappお知らせページで何度でも確認できますthisthe app the appappthe app。 the appthisthe app the appapp3thisthe app the appappthe app.the appthisthe app the appappお店の在庫が見られるthisthe app the appappthe app! the appthisthe app the appappお店に行く前に商品の在庫を確認できるthisthe app the appappthe app! 「the appthisthe app the appapp近くのコメリで扱ってるかなthisthe app the appappthe app?」「the appthisthe app the appapp欲しい数だけ在庫あるかなthisthe app the appappthe app?」the appthisthe app the appappなどthisthe app the appappthe app the appthisthe app the appappお店に行く前に気になることをthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappアプリがその場で解決してくれますthisthe app the appappthe app。 the appthisthe app the appapp4thisthe app the appappthe app.the appthisthe app the appapp商品の陳列場所が分かるthisthe app the appappthe app! the appthisthe app the appapp色々な商品がそろうホームセンターだからthisthe app the appappthe app、 「the appthisthe app the appapp欲しいものがどこに置いてあるかが分からないthisthe app the appappthe app…」。 the appthisthe app the appappそんな時にアプリで確認thisthe app the appappthe app! the appthisthe app the appapp店内マップとthisthe app the appappthe app「the appthisthe app the appapp本館の右側thisthe app the appappthe app○the appthisthe app the appapp番通路thisthe app the appappthe app」the appthisthe app the appappと表示されthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp売り場までご案内しますthisthe app the appappthe app! ※the appthisthe app the appappパワーのみthisthe app the appappthe app the appthisthe app the appapp5thisthe app the appappthe app.【the appthisthe app the appappアプリ限定thisthe app the appappthe app】the appthisthe app the appappキャンペーンにらくらくエントリーthisthe app the appappthe app! the appthisthe app the appapp毎月コメリで開催しているお得なキャンペーンthisthe app the appappthe app。 the appthisthe app the appappハガキ応募や自動応募に加えてthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappアプリの専用ページから簡単エントリーthisthe app the appappthe app! the appthisthe app the appapp応募口数アップやthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappWチャンスプレゼントなどうれしい特典がついてきますthisthe app the appappthe app。 the appthisthe app the appapp6thisthe app the appappthe app.the appthisthe app the appappカードのポイント数やチャージ残高をすばやくチェックthisthe app the appappthe app。 the appthisthe app the appappコメリカードthisthe app the appappthe app・the appthisthe app the appappアクアカード会員様にうれしい機能thisthe app the appappthe app! the appthisthe app the appappコメリカードWEBサービスにご登録でthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp利用明細やポイント履歴thisthe app the appappthe app、 the appthisthe app the appappチャージ残高thisthe app the appappthe app(※the appthisthe app the appappアクアカードのみthisthe app the appappthe app)the appthisthe app the appappがすばやくわかるthisthe app the appappthe app! the appthisthe app the appappポイントの有効期限やthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappステージアップに必要なお買い上げ額の確認もこちらからthisthe app the appappthe app。 the appthisthe app the appapp7thisthe app the appappthe app.the appthisthe app the appappDIYやガーデニングthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappくらしに関するHowTo情報thisthe app the appappthe app・the appthisthe app the appapp動画がもりだくさんthisthe app the appappthe app! the appthisthe app the appapp動画や写真thisthe app the appappthe app・the appthisthe app the appappイラストでthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappわかりやすい解説thisthe app the appappthe app。 the appthisthe app the appappこんな方におすすめthisthe app the appappthe app! ・the appthisthe app the appappDIYでイスや収納スペースを作ってみたいthisthe app the appappthe app。 ・the appthisthe app the appapp初めての工具や機械thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappどうやって使えばいいthisthe app the appappthe app? ・the appthisthe app the appapp野菜や花の育て方を教えてほしいthisthe app the appappthe app。 ・the appthisthe app the appapp寄せ植えにチャレンジthisthe app the appappthe app。the appthisthe app the appappコツはどんなことthisthe app the appappthe app? ・the appthisthe app the appapp自転車のパンク修理方法thisthe app the appappthe app ・the appthisthe app the appappアウトドアでの炭の起こし方thisthe app the appappthe app ・the appthisthe app the appapp便利なロープの結び方を知りたいthisthe app the appappthe app。 the appthisthe app the appappetcthisthe app the appappthe app...the appthisthe app the appappその他thisthe app the appappthe app the appthisthe app the appappホームセンターならではの幅広い知識でthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappお客様のthisthe app the appappthe app「the appthisthe app the appappしたいthisthe app the appappthe app・the appthisthe app the appappしてみたいthisthe app the appappthe app」the appthisthe app the appappをお手伝いしますthisthe app the appappthe app。 the appthisthe app the appapp8thisthe app the appappthe app.the appthisthe app the appapp住まいのthisthe app the appappthe app“the appthisthe app the appappお困りthisthe app the appappthe app”the appthisthe app the appappを解決しますthisthe app the appappthe app! the appthisthe app the appappお家のリフォームthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp灯油宅配thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp庭木のお手入れthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappハウスクリーニングthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp害虫害獣駆除などthisthe app the appappthe app the appthisthe app the appapp全国に広がるコメリの店舗網を駆使した住まいの便利サービスをご紹介thisthe app the appappthe app。 ●the appthisthe app the appapp主な商品カテゴリthisthe app the appappthe app ・the appthisthe app the appappレンガthisthe app the appappthe app・the appthisthe app the appapp庭園資材thisthe app the appappthe app  the appthisthe app the appappタイルthisthe 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the appapp食品ギフトthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp調味料thisthe app the appappthe app ●the appthisthe app the appapp推奨環境thisthe app the appappthe app the appthisthe app the appappサポートOSはiOSthisthe app the appappthe app the appthisthe app the appapp11thisthe app the appappthe app.the appthisthe app the appapp0以降ですthisthe app the appappthe app。 ●the appthisthe app the appapp端末への許可thisthe app the appappthe app ・the appthisthe app the appapp位置情報thisthe app the appappthe app…the appthisthe app the appapp店舗検索でお近くの店舗を見つけるために許可が必要ですthisthe app the appappthe app。 ・the appthisthe app the appappカメラthisthe app the appappthe app…the appthisthe app the appapp商品のバーコードやQRコードの読み取りをするために許可が必要ですthisthe app the appappthe app。. If コメリアプリ suits you, get the 3.96 MB app for 4.1.3 on PC. IF you like コメリアプリ, you will like other Shopping apps like Amazon Shopping; Walmart - Shopping & Grocery; Amazon AppStore; Target; OfferUp - Buy. Sell. Letgo.;

Download and install コメリアプリ on your computer

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Or follow the guide below to use on PC:

Select Windows version:

  1. Windows 7-10
  2. Windows 11

Download and install the コメリアプリ app on your Windows 10,8,7 or Mac in 4 simple steps below:

  1. Download an Android emulator for PC and Mac:
    Get either Bluestacks or the Nox App >> . We recommend Bluestacks because you can easily find solutions online if you run into problems while using it. Download Bluestacks Pc or Mac software Here >> .

  2. Install the emulator on your PC or Mac:
    On your computer, goto the Downloads folder » click to install Bluestacks.exe or Nox.exe » Accept the License Agreements » Follow the on-screen prompts to complete installation.

  3. Using コメリアプリ on PC [Windows 7/ 8/8.1/ 10/ 11]:
    • Open the Emulator app you installed » goto its search bar and search "コメリアプリ"
    • The search will reveal the コメリアプリ app icon. Open, then click "Install".
    • Once コメリアプリ is downloaded inside the emulator, locate/click the "All apps" icon to access a page containing all your installed applications including コメリアプリ.
    • Now enjoy コメリアプリ on PC.

  4. Using コメリアプリ on Mac OS:
    Install コメリアプリ on your Mac using the same steps for Windows OS above.

How to download and use コメリアプリ App on Windows 11

To get コメリアプリ on Windows 11, check if there's a native コメリアプリ Windows app here » ». If none, follow the steps below:

  1. Download the Amazon-Appstore » (U.S only)
    • Click on "Get" to begin installation. It also automatically installs Windows Subsystem for Android.
    • After installation, Goto Windows Start Menu or Apps list » Open the Amazon Appstore » Login (with Amazon account)

  2. For non-U.S users, Download the OpenPC software »
    • Upon installation, open OpenPC app » goto Playstore on PC » click Configure_Download. This will auto-download Google Play Store on your Windows 11.

  3. Installing コメリアプリ:
    • Login to your computer's PlayStore or Amazon AppStore.
    • Search for "コメリアプリ" » Click "Install" to install コメリアプリ
    • コメリアプリ will now be available on your windows start-menu.

Minimum requirements Recommended
  • 8GB RAM
  • SSD Storage
  • Processor: Intel Core i3, AMD Ryzen 3000
  • Architecture: x64 or ARM64
  • 16GB RAM
  • HDD Storage

コメリアプリ On iTunes

Download Developer Rating Score Current version Adult Ranking
Free On iTunes Bit-A Co.,Ltd. 0 0 4.1.3 17+

コメリアプリ functions

1. Information on frequently visited stores

2. Exclusive deal notifications for app and cardholders

3. Checking store inventory

4. Finding the location of products

5. Entering campaigns

6. Checking card points and balance

7. DIY and gardening how-to videos

8. Solving home-related problems

9. Various product categories such as bricks, gardening supplies, tools, hardware, building materials, workwear, pet supplies, household goods, health and beauty, kitchenware, automotive, stationery, and food

10. Support for iOS 11.0 and above

11. Permission for location information to find nearby stores

12. Permission for camera access to scan barcodes and QR codes.

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