Published by LI WANG on 2024-04-11
What is 単語木?
This app is designed to help users learn and improve their English vocabulary. It includes a wide range of words from various fields such as English proficiency tests, university entrance exams, high school, middle school, elementary school, GRE, IELTS, TOEFL, and daily life. The app provides translations, pronunciations, inflections, example sentences, synonyms, antonyms, phrases, and English definitions for each word. The app also features a test mode where users can challenge themselves to answer questions within 5 seconds and choose from 8 options. The app records the user's progress and displays it in graphs, making it easy to track their learning progress.
Getting the best Education app for you is hard, which is why we are happy to give you 単語木 - 英検、TOEICに必要な英単語 from LI WANG. the appthisthe app the appapp厳选した英検thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappTOEICthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp大学受験thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp高校thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp中学thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp小学thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappGREthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappIELTSthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappTOEFLthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp日常生活などの英単語たっぷ収録していますthisthe app the appappthe app、 the appthisthe app the appapp単語の内容は翻訳thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp発音thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp変形thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp例文thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp類義語thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp反義語thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappフレーズ及び英英説明などが有りますthisthe app the appappthe app。 the appthisthe app the appapp英単語勉強に特化したthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp効率向上できるアプリですthisthe app the appappthe app。 the appthisthe app the appappすべての勉強とテストプロセスの記録がグラフで表示されてthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappあなたは自分の学習進度が一目瞭然ですthisthe app the appappthe app! the appthisthe app the appapp使い始めたらthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappあなたに強い学習欲望が火のように生まれてくるthisthe app the appappthe app。 the appthisthe app the appapp知らず知らずに語彙の学習が完成thisthe app the appappthe app! the appthisthe app the appappチャレンジにてthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp英単語を聞きながら5秒以内で回答を選べるthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappしかも8つの選択肢からですよthisthe app the appappthe app the appthisthe app the appapp間違えた単語を繰り返してやるとthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp知らず知らずのうちに覚えられますthisthe app the appappthe app!! the appthisthe app the appapp各単語にも発音機能があるのでthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp発音を聞きながら気軽に勉強することができますthisthe app the appappthe app。 --- ・the appthisthe app the appappアプリ内辞書機能がありますthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp任意の英単語でも調べることができてthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp知らない英単語でもすぐ解りますthisthe app the appappthe app。 ・the appthisthe app the appappアプリ内辞書に単語発音機能を追加しましたthisthe app the appappthe app ----- ・the appthisthe app the appapp学習した単語数がグラフで表示されthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp学習進捗が見やすいですthisthe app the appappthe app。 ・the appthisthe app the appappテスト結果の正解率thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp不正解率チャートで表示されthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp学習の成績が詳しく把握できますthisthe app the appappthe app。 ・the appthisthe app the appapp間違えた単語回数によってのチャートも表示されるthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp学習問題になった単語状況はすぐに確認できますthisthe app the appappthe app。 ・the appthisthe app the appapp録音機能で単語を勉強する時にthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp録音ボタンを押すとthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp録音モードに入りますthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappここで自分の発音や音声メモーを記録することができますthisthe app the appappthe app。 ・the appthisthe app the appappお必要な時によって自分の理解などのメモを各単語にてカスタマイズでを入力することが出来ますthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappしかもthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappオンラインで他の人が共有した単語のメモを見えるのでthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp他人がどうやってその単語を覚える方法を参考出来ますthisthe app the appappthe app。 ・the appthisthe app the appapp自動発音thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp自動捲り及び捲りスピード設定機能は学習の最中でもすぐ設定できますのでthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp非常に使いやすいですthisthe app the appappthe app。 ・the appthisthe app the appappすべての単語を英語も日本語も検索できてthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappABC順及びお気に入り順などの一覧で表示をしますthisthe app the appappthe app。 ・the appthisthe app the appappテスト対象範囲を選択及びテスト条件を設定したらthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp単語をテスト或はチャレンジしますthisthe app the appappthe app。 ・the appthisthe app the appapp不正解になった単語は日付毎にまとめられて一覧となって表示されますthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappどの単語を間違えたのか一目で確認できますthisthe app the appappthe app。 the appthisthe app the appappまたthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappその日付けの単語を対象でthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp再テストができますthisthe app the appappthe app。 ------------ the appthisthe app the appapp英語の勉強は毎日の積み重ねが大切ですthisthe app the appappthe app。the appthisthe app the appappこのアプリで英語の高得点を目指しましょうthisthe app the appappthe app! ------------ 【the appthisthe app the appapp自動更新メンバーの説明thisthe app the appappthe app】 ・the appthisthe app the appappサブスクリプション期間1ヶ月thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp3ヶ月thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp12ヶ月thisthe app the appappthe app ・the appthisthe app the appapp支払いが確認された後thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappまたは無料試用期間thisthe app the appappthe app(the appthisthe app the appappある場合thisthe app the appappthe app)the appthisthe app the appappの後にthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappiTunesアカウントが引き落とされますthisthe app the appappthe app。 ・the appthisthe app the appappサブスクリプションは自動的に更新されますthisthe app the appappthe app。the appthisthe app the appapp更新を取り消すにはthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp現在のサブスクリプション期間が切れる24時間前に自動更新機能をオフにしてくださいthisthe app the appappthe app。 the appthisthe app the appapp有効期限が切れる前に24時間以内にキャンセルするにはthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappサブスクリプション料金が適用されますthisthe app the appappthe app。 ・the appthisthe app the appappAppleのiTunesアカウントはthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp有効期限切れの24時間以内に請求されますthisthe app the appappthe app。the appthisthe app the appapp控除が成功するとthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp購読期間は1つの購読期間で延期されますthisthe app the appappthe app。 ・the appthisthe app the appapp無料トライアル期間中に未使用の部品がある場合thisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appappそのサブスクリプション製品を購入するとthisthe app the appappthe app、the appthisthe app the appapp残りの試用期間は失効しますthisthe app the appappthe app。 the appthisthe app the appappこの製品は現在無料トライアル期間を提供していませんthisthe app the appappthe app。 ・the appthisthe app the appapp利用規約thisthe app the appappthe app:the appthisthe app the appapphttpsthisthe app the appappthe app://the appthisthe app the appapptangotreethisthe app the appappthe app.the appthisthe app the appappweeblythisthe app the appappthe app.the appthisthe app the appappcomthisthe app the appappthe app/the appthisthe app the appapptermsthisthe app the appappthe app.the appthisthe app the appapphtmlthisthe app the appappthe app ・the appthisthe app the appappプライバシーポリシーthisthe app the appappthe app:the appthisthe app the appapphttpsthisthe app the appappthe app://the appthisthe app the appapptangotreethisthe app the appappthe app.the appthisthe app the appappweeblythisthe app the appappthe app.the appthisthe app the appappcomthisthe app the appappthe app/the appthisthe app the appappprivacythisthe app the appappthe app.the appthisthe app the appapphtmlthisthe app the appappthe app. If 単語木 - 英検、TOEICに必要な英単語 suits you, get the 72.23 MB app for 3.7.7 on PC. IF you like 単語木, you will like other Education apps like 英検®準1級予想問題ドリル; 毎日英語 - 音声や画像で英単語を覚えてTOEICや英検に挑戦!; 英検1級 単語帳 繁出問題; 英検®準2級 過去試験対策 問題集;
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Get APK for PC → | LI WANG | 5.00 | 3.7.7 |
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- Includes a dictionary function that allows users to look up any English word and get its translation and pronunciation.
- Provides a pronunciation function for each word.
- Displays the number of words learned in a graph, making it easy to track progress.
- Shows test results in charts, including correct and incorrect answers, and displays a chart of the number of times a word was answered incorrectly.
- Includes a recording function that allows users to record their own pronunciation or voice memo while studying.
- Allows users to customize notes for each word and view notes shared by other users online.
- Provides an automatic pronunciation function and automatic scrolling function with adjustable speed.
- Allows users to search for words in both English and Japanese and sort them alphabetically or by favorites.
- Allows users to select the test target range and set test conditions.
- Displays a list of incorrectly answered words by date and allows users to retest them.
- Offers a subscription service with automatic renewal options for 1 month, 3 months, or 12 months.
- Provides a free trial period for new users.
- Includes terms of use and privacy policy links.