Key: = Best
SN. | App | Scarica | Versione corrente | Sviluppatore |
1 |
Cats Color by Number - Adult Coloring Book Pages | Scarica | Windows 8+ | Vector Labs Games |
2 |
Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry-simpleNeasyApp by WAGmob | Scarica | Windows 8+ | WAGmob |
3 |
Preschool ABC Number and Letter Puzzle Games - teaches kids the alphabet and counting | Scarica | Windows 8+ | Espace Pty Ltd |
4 | CameraNow | Scarica | Windows 10+ | BPTK BrainPower Timo Kinnunen |
5 | Camera Controller | Scarica | Windows 10+ | 凌陽創新科技股份有限公司 |
6 | Camera IO | Scarica | Windows 10+ | Fast Code Studio |
7 | SnapCount 2 | Scarica | Windows 10+ | SnapCount |
8 | PockyBag | Scarica | Windows 10+ | Michael Fery |
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