Key: = Best
SN. | App | Scarica | Versione corrente | Sviluppatore |
1 | The Circle of Fifths | Scarica | Windows 8+ | Maverick Studio |
2 | Arc Touch Bluetooth Mouse | Scarica | Windows 8+ | Microsoft Corporation |
3 | Calculator with History | Scarica | Windows 8+ | Add-in Express |
4 | Fashion Sewing Clothes | Scarica | Windows 10+ | Omega Games Html5 |
5 |
Fashion Dress Up Sewing Clothes |
Scarica | Windows 8+ | ‪Dress Up Game For Girls‬ |
6 |
Fashion Illustrator - Learn how to draw clothes |
Scarica | Windows 10+ | SkyApps, TOO |
7 | Fashion Yo | Scarica | Windows 8+ | ‪Rotties Energy‬ |
8 |
Fashionista Sketchbook - Clothes illustrations |
Scarica | Windows 10+ | LLC "CREATIVE WORKSHOP" |
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