Key: = Best
SN. | App | Scarica | Versione corrente | Sviluppatore |
1 |
Radio Dominican Republic – Radio Dominican Republic FM & AM: Listen Live Dominican Radio Stations Online + Music and Talk Stations | Scarica | Windows 8+ | Esmeralda Donayre |
2 |
Math Games for Kids Grade 1 to 5 - Addition Subtraction Multiplication Numbers Fractions Geometry Measurement Practice with Mathaly | Scarica | Windows 8+ | LogicRoots |
3 |
Instant Calming 6-in-1 Complete : Games(relaxing) , rain anti-stress therapy, instant calm music & images, guided relaxation and meditation | Scarica | Windows 8+ | Andrei Cristian's Apps |
4 | Meet the World | Scarica | Windows 8+ | ‪Rython‬ |
5 | Communify Meet | Scarica | Windows 10+ | Teknikos |
6 | Social Companion | Scarica | Windows 10+ | Portiva BV |
7 | Pleasant Dating | Scarica | Windows 10+ | nirozet |
8 | MeetingAssist | Scarica | Windows 10+ | Meeting Companion |
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