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SN. 应用 下载 当前版本 开发人员
1 Evangelical Heritage Version Study Bible - Microsoft Store Edition Evangelical Heritage
Version Study Bible -
Microsoft Store Edition   
下载 Windows 8+ Wartburg Project
2 Alice Through the Looking Glass - Hidden Pictures Games - Find It! Alice Through the Looking
Glass - Hidden Pictures
Games - Find It!
下载 Windows 8+ CrispApp
3 Docs for Google - Documents, Presentations, Spreadsheets for Online Docs, Slides and Sheets Docs for Google -
Documents, Presentations,
Spreadsheets for Online
Docs, Slides and Sheets
下载 Windows 8+ Montibus Inc.
4 Tile Weather 下载 Windows 8 + Pocketkai
5 MSGuide 下载 Windows 10+ Areeb uddin
6 Health Insurance Guide 下载 Windows 8.+ Yoav Fael - YOANNA
7 Germination Guide 下载 Windows 10+ FrazzApps
8 Guide to Life 下载 Windows 8+ ‪Emile Education‬


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PC的可扩展性 / 安装要求

  1. Windows 11
  2. Windows 10


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