Key: = Best
SN. | 应用 | 下载 | 当前版本 | 开发人员 |
1 |
SimpleOne Recipe Manager - cookbook database for your recipes and ingredients | 下载 | Windows 8+ | Aidaluu Inc. |
2 |
Player for YouTube 4k HD. Free YouTube Covert to MP3, MP4 & AVI. Video Downloader for YouTube. Stream for PUBG and Fortnite | 下载 | Windows 8+ | Azona Media |
4 | Baby Phone Games | 下载 | Windows 10+ | WP-Developer |
5 | Kids Game :Baby Phone | 下载 | Windows 10+ | InfinateLabs Inc |
6 |
Virtual Pet Talking Animals |
下载 | Windows 8+ | Audiosdroid |
7 | Cute virtual assistant | 下载 | Windows 10+ | Carrot App |
8 |
Talking Baby Cat Max Pet Games |
下载 | Windows 8+ | Wonderful Games |
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